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Vane Separator Series AVS

Anderson vane type separators contain corrugated profile blades, vanes, within a receiver.  This separator is built specifically for linear flow applications removing virtually all entrainment 8 microns and larger from the vapor or gas line. Entrainment laden flow is directed into the vanes where it is split into (individual) vertical streams.  A series of short radius turns within close proximity utilize inertial forces to trap heavier liquid droplets.  Collecting as a film on the profile blades, the liquid flows along the blade and into liquid collecting pockets where it drains into a collecting sump.  Because of its special design, Anderson vane separators can handle a large volume of liquid laden flow without (re-entrainment).

Additionally, the low drag coefficient of the profile design permits the handling of high velocities without excessive pressure loss.

  • Separators have forged steel flanges and welded steel bodies, and are available in carbon steel, stainless steel, or any required for your application.
  • All vessels are designed, fabricated, and stamped to ASME Code Sec. VIII, Div. 1 for Unfired Pressure Vessels.
  • Extremely Efficient Separation of Entrained Liquids and Mists from a Gas or Vapor Flow.
  • 100% Removal of Liquid Particles 8.0 Microns and Larger.
  • Low Pressure Drop.
  • Superior Design.
  • Rugged Construction/Long Life
  • Stock or Custom Designed.
  • No Maintenance.
  • Optional Removable Vanes
  • Optional Coalescer for Improved Efficiency
  • Separation Vanes available in Carbon Steel, 304L & 316L Stainless Steel, & Special Alloys.

Anderson Vane Separators will remove 100% of all liquid particles 8.0 microns and larger when operating between 0 and 110% design flowrate.  When operating at the design flowrate, a separation efficiency of 100% of 5.0 microns and larger is expected.

The Separation efficiency can be improved to 100% of 3.0 microns by the addition of an inlet coalescer. Separation efficiency decreases on droplets of decreasing size.  In order to separate these smaller droplets, the vane bundle must be preceded by an inlet coalescer.  The coalescer will increase the size of incoming liquid droplets so that they can be removed by the separation vanes.  The inlet coalescer can either be a special hookless vane bundle located in the inlet nozzle, or a stainless steel wire mesh pad mounted on the vane face.

Principal of Operation:

The success of the Anderson Separation Vane is rooted in simple physics principles of centrifugal force, impingement and gravity.  The liquid laden gas entering the vane separator is a mixture of low density gas and high density liquid.  As mixture passes through the vane bundle, it is forced to change directions several times.  The low density gas can easily negotiate this torturous path, but because of momentum, the high density liquid is unable to change direction without impinging upon the vane wall.

Reliable separator data with regards to capacities and efficiencies have been determined through empirical testing at our on-site flow laboratory as well as selected user test sites.  Combined with the Anderson Separator Company's thousands of trouble free installations around the world in just about every possible application, the data shown in the table above can be used reliably to determine relative suitability for process design.

The Anderson Vane style line separator will remove all of the entrained media that are 8-10 microns and larger.  Below 8 micron, the mesh pad or vane coalescing options must be selected in order to achieve higher efficiencies.

The Anderson vane style line separator will operate at approximately 110% of process design conditions with no loss or risk of carry-over.  The process can be turned down to approximately 10% of normal design conditions before risk of re-entrainment begins to be a factor.  A wider range of flows can be achieved through careful process design.  Consult one of our engineers.
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